Welcome to my blog titled Maynard's Musing! I have been wanting to start this blog forever so I sat the kids down and told them I would be neglecting them for at least one hour a week to make this happen. Of course I didn't just abandon them without making sure they could all pass the pour your own milk and cereal test before I snuck away to give it a try. And I'm not the kind of mom who would normally let my kids starve in the 30+ minutes it will take me to blog, but after a conversation yesterday where they told me they wanted me to start buying "healthier" food like dried seaweed and Brussel sprouts... I'm thinking maybe starving them once a week is a good thing, at least until they drop this seaweed nonsense and admit that chocolate should be the 6th food group. I even reached out to my Facebook friends to see if anyone wanted to trade children but that didn't work, so now I will be buying them dried seaweed to munch on while I get busy posting the latest news on my Wicked Luck Series, as well as some new releases to check out by fellow authors. And of course, my blog wouldn't be complete without some random posts about romance! Please feel free to share or leave a comment, and if there's a romance topic you want me to muse and discuss on the blog then shoot me a quick email. Be sure to check out my website while you're here and click the link to visit my Facebook page. Happy reading!